Tips for moving to Melbourne
A fascinating and beautiful life in Melbourne. I live here for a long time so I have many tips to share with you.
If you first arrive in Melbourne at the airport, you will see many people in the Skybus line, but you can actually take a regular bus from the city, costing $ 4 instead of $ 18. After that, you need to buy myki card, the only way you can use the programs public transport here, which is much easier than other cities, where you need to buy different tickets for different transport systems.
You can download an app called PTV, it's a great app, where you can search the train, tram and bus times, and always be good. But it's best to go to the train station at the beginning so you will not miss the train when it's too late! Also, do not put your feet in front of you even if no one lives in it because you'll get $ 200 if a ticket inspector gets you.
People living in Melbourne are always talking about the weather, some say there are four times a day. So it's best to check the temperature every day. You will see how it can be a northern day but suddenly rains and it hurts and 5mins as if nothing had happened. And maybe yesterday they were 30 degrees, but today they are only one. So bring your umbrella and check the weather before you leave home.
Melbourne is a great city, people from all over the world, you can see people in different colors, speaking in different languages. You can find any types of food, and you can find any vegetables, meat, and seafood if you want to make a meal yourself. At home, you can go to Victoria Market. Closed only on Mondays and Wednesdays, if you want to cook, I recommend that I go there Sunday afternoon, where you can always find something new and cheaper. So you can be fun there for sure.
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